
National Pigeon Association GB

NPA  Membership & Ring Secretary

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Tel:  07983 485614

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Right, so you now have some pigeons, what should you do next?

Whatever your reasons for keeping pigeons the one item that should feature near the top of your list is that of joining the National Pigeon Association (NPA). Why?

There are several reasons for taking this step. They range from security via proof of ownership at one end of the scale through to the ability to purchase your own 'breed specific' identity rings for your own young birds, as well as giving you the right to have a say in how the Fancy is run.                                                                                     

Membership of the NPA also enables you to obtain all the latest information on specific breeds, shows - including trips to the large continental events, welfare and DEFRA announcements. It enables you to vote for who you would like to see as part of the fancy's governing body or indeed to stand for election to the committee.

If your ambition is to be able to exhibit your birds at any of the numerous shows held around the country during the late autumn and winter months then being a member is almost an essential element. Non-membership is not a bar, however, without that 'member' tag your birds, however good they are, could miss out on a lot of the awards and trophies that are offered.

Being a ring buyer also puts a 'value' on your stock, as birds not wearing rings are generally considered as almost worthless to serious pigeon fanciers. They cannot be entered at shows and crucially you have no proof that they actually belong to you should you have them stolen. What are these rings? They are individually numbered and lettered bands that are put on a bird’s leg at around 7 - 10 days of age. They are registered in your name and are specific to you and your birds and are a pre-requisite for exhibiting the birds.
Information on how to becoming a member, ring buying, transfer of rings, shows and a whole host of other features can all be found by clicking on to the various links on the web site.

If your decision is not to join the NPA at the present time, please do not be put off from keeping pigeons. You will still be able to access many of the functions that members are able to do such as contacting Breed Club Secretaries, Show managers and of course other fanciers, all of whom will make you feel welcome. The main thing is that you enjoy having and breeding your pigeons. If you can get your children, or indeed other children, interested so much the better. It has been proved that kids who are seriously in to pets are less likely to wander from the straight and narrow.


September 1st - August 31st

Includes Fancy Pigeon World Magazine

Adult & Partnership U.K.   £35     Junior U.K.(under 17)     £15.00
European Adult, Junior or Partnership £45

Rest of World Adult. Junior or Partnership £55        

Rings only  sold in 10’s at £4.00 for 10

Please Note:- Rings are only sold to fully paid up members of the NPA

Post & Packaging fee of £1.50 per order

All fees online include Paypal charges.

Please remember to submit a Membership Form via email to ensure all your details are up to date on our records

Join here

Adult or Partnership UK 

Junior Membership UK

European Membership 

Rest of the World Membership

Buy Your Rings

10 Rings Size A

10 Rings Size B

10 Rings Size C

10 Rings Size D

10 Rings Size E

10 Rings Size F

Ring Nomination Rings - per 5 per size

£5.50 per first 5 rings of one size. If more than one ring size is required please add the correct number to your basket

NPA Ring Transfer

This is for payment only of ring transfers an email with the ring details and new and old owners MUST be sent to

0.40p per ring

Click here to view your basket



Rings issued from January 1st
Ring Sizes correct as of 01-01-2023


American Show Rollers, Arabian Laughers, Arabian Trumpeters, Birmingham Rollers & Show Rollers, Brunner Pouters, Budapest Tumblers, Clean legged Short-faced Continental Tumblers, Danzig Highflyers, Domestic Flying Flights, English Short-faced Tumblers, Felegyhazer Tumblers, Figuritas, Hamburg Stickens, Hellstorks, Helmets, Italian Owls, Kecskemeter Tumblers, Kormorner Tumblers, Mausers, Parlour Tumbler/Rollers, Polish Orliks, Rzhev or Band-tailed Tumblers, Show Tipplers, Competition Tipplers, Stralsunders, Stralsund Highflyers, Portugese Tumbler, Taganroger Tumblers, Timisaora/(Temeschburger) Tumblers, Viennese C/L Tumblers, Viennese Gansels, Viennese Tumblers, Wolverhampton Tumblers.


African Owls, Altenburg Trumpeters, American Domestic Show Flights, Ancients, Polish Srebrniaks, Archangels, Fantails, Berlin Tumblers, Bohemian Wing Pigeons, Buchon Gaditano Croppers, Chinese Owls, Clean-legged Ice, Clean-legged Monks, Clean-legged Priests, Clean-legged Whitetails (Blazeface), Czechoslovakian Ice Croppers, Danish Goldfinchs, Danish Tumblers, Dutch Highflyers, Echterdinger Colour Pigeons, Egyptian & Syrian Swifts, Exhibition Flying Tipplers, Franconian Trumpeters, German Modenas, German Shield Owls, Gimpels, Grouse-legged Short-faced Continental Tumblers, Holle Croppers, Horseman, Hyacinths, Jacobins, Marchenero Croppers, Mookees, Moorheads, Clean-legged Colour Tail Owls, Naked Necks, Nuns, Old Dutch Capuchines, Old Dutch Turbits, Old German Owls, Oriental Rollers, Pigmy Pouters, Rafeno Croppers, Slenks, Clean-Legged South German Blasse, Stargard Shakers, Starlings, Steller Croppers, Suabians, Thurgau and Berne Swiss Varieties (with the exception of Berne Halbsschnabler or Half Beak and Eichbuhler), Thuringian Breast Pigeons, Thuringian Whitetails, Thuringian Wing Pigeons, Turbits, Viennese Muffed Tumblers, Valenciana Croppers, Voorburg Shield Croppers, Zamoyskis.


American Show Racers, Antwerp Smerles, Argovian White Tails, Bohemian Saddle Pouters, Clean-legged English Long Faced Tumblers,Clean-legged Shields, Clean-legged Spots, Colillano Croppers, Cumulets, Dutch Beauty Homers, Damascenes, Dutch Frills or Dutch Turbits, Elsters, Florentines, Garden Fantails, German Beauty Homers, Grouse-legged German Tumblers, Hamburg Schimmels, Swiss Poster Berne/Halbschnablers or Half Beak,Eichbuhlers, Lacernes, Laudino Sevillano Croppers, Lebanons, Lucernes, Magpies, Marthams, Modenas, Norwich, Steiger and Thuringian Croppers, Nuremburg Larks, Orliks (large), Oriental Turbits, Polish Staropoles, Show Racers, Silesian Croppers, South German Shields, Srebrniaks (large), Thuringian Shields, Thuringian Spots(Snip), Syrian Swifts, Thurgaus, Thuringian Swallows.


Bagadaiss, Barbs, Carneaux, Carriers, Dragoons, English Owls, English Pouters, Frillbacks, Genuine Homers, Konigsburg Colour Heads, Limerick Tumblers, Nuremburg Swallows, Oriental Frills, Polish Lynx, Ptarmigan Coburg Larks, Polish Krymkas, Scandaroons, Muffed South German Blassé, Spaniards, Strassers, Swiss Variety, Syrian Dewlaps, Thuringian Whitebibs and Whiteheads, Volga Tumblers, West of England Tumblers, Zurich Whitetails.


American Giant Homers, Antwerps, Cauchois, Crescents, Exhibition and Show Homers, Fairy and Silesian Swallows, German Croppers, Hungarian Tape Runts, Indian Fantails, Kings, Lahores, Maltese, Mondains, Muffed English Long-faced Tumblers, Muffed Helmets, Muffed Ice, Muffed Rollers, Norwegian Tumblers, Old Dutch Tumblers, Old German Moorheads, Priests, Runts, Saxon Monks, Saxon Tigers, Saxon Spots, Saxon Storks, Schmalkaldener Moorheads, Whitetails and Shields.


Bernburgs, Bokhara(Russian), Dresden and English Trumpeters, German Trumpeters, Ghent Hana and Reversewing Croppers, Harzburg Trumpeters, Hungarian Giants, Old Dutch Croppers, Pomeranians, Saxon Pouters, Vogtland Trumpeters.

NOTE – Particulars as to rings for breeds not specified can be obtained from the Secretary

Other Fees

Breed Club Affiliation (yearly)

Agricultural Show Affiliation (yearly)

Club Register in FPW. (yearly)

Breeders Card in FPW. (yearly)

Classified Advert in FPW per Insert.

1/8 Page Advert in FPW per Insert.

1/4 Page Advert in FPW per Insert.

1/2 Page Advert in FPW per Insert.

Back Cover Advert in FPW per Insert.

Full Page Advert in FPW per Insert.


Agricultural Society£15.00  
Adult/Partnership inc FPWUK £35.00Europe £45.00Rest of World £55.00
Per 10 Rings£4.00£1.50 P&P 
Ring Nomination£5.00  
Transfers - per form 3£1.00  
Transfers - additional birds£0.35  
Show Returns   
Under 20 Certs£10.00  
Per additional Cert£0.50  
Fancy Pigeon World   
Subscription (from 2023)UK £20.00Europe £40.00Rest of World £50.00
Club Registers£10.00  
Breeders Card£10.00  
Classified - per insert£10.00  
1/8 Page Advert£20.00  
1/4 Page Advert£30.00  
1/4 Page Yearly 4 Inserts£100.00  
1/2 Page Advert£45.00  
1/2 Page Yearly 4 Inserts£150.00  
Full Page Advert£70.00  
Full Page Yearly 4 Inserts£250.00  
Back Page Advert£75.00  
Back Page Yearly 4 Inserts£265.00  

NPA Pin Badge

£3.30 each

Inc Postage with the UK

Cloth Badge 70 x 100mm

Inc Postage with the UK

£3.30 each